Haiden, Pharmacotherapy Clinical Pharmacist

What was most helpful about working with Hughes College Prep?

Helping with time management and planning of when everything was due. 

What was the biggest surprise, good or bad, about the admissions process in general?

How much time and information that needs to go into submitting an admissions application.  If you don’t break the application up into little manageable chucks the entire process can seem overwhelming and daunting. 

Were you accepted to one of your top three school choices (undergrad or grad school)?


What difference did your scholarships make when attending college?

A lot, I was able to get half of my tuition paid for each semester for 4 years due to scholarships.

Did you feel supported by Hughes College Prep during the admission process? If so, how?

Yes, I felt supported through planning out when school and scholarship applications where due, through writing application essays, and guiding me through the entire process of completing an application. ACT prep and practice exams were a huge help as well!

Are there any aspects of your time with Hughes that stick out as having carried through to other elements of your life, beyond college admissions, such as college, jobs, etc.? 

Again, time management skills that I started to develop working with Kelly really have helped me with my work-life balance.

Will you continue your education beyond undergrad?

Yes I completed a PGY-1 (postgraduate yr 1) pharmacy residency program.

How quickly were you employed after college?

Immediately! I matched with my pharmacy residency program in March prior to graduation which then lead into the job I am working currently.

What is one bit of advice you would give to parents of college-bound students?

Find the right balance of letting your child go and parenting from afar.  College is a great place for life experiences that can only be learned from being on your own.  But, college can be also be difficult at times in this new chapter of life, just because your child is in college doesn’t mean they need any less family support.

What is one bit of advice you would give to the students themselves?

College is a great place to learn, follow your dreams, and make amazing memories.  But the whole experience depends on what you put into it.  Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things.